Static variables

staticfinalread onlystderr:Int

staticfinalread onlystdin:Int

staticfinalread onlystdout:Int

Static methods


Disables (tries) file descriptor inheritance for inherited descriptors.

@:noExprstaticinheritFd(fd:Int, fromParentFd:Int):Redirection

Causes fd in the child to be connected to the same device or peer as fromParentFd in the parent.


@:noExprstaticinheritStream(fd:Int, fromParentStream:Stream):Redirection

Same as eval.luv.Process.inheritFd, but takes an eval.luv.Stream for the parent file descriptor.


@:noExprstatickill(this:Process, sigNum:SigNum):Result<NoData>

Sends the given signal to the process.

@:noExprstatickillPid(pid:Int, sigNum:SigNum):Result<NoData>

Sends the given signal to the process with the given pid.


Evaluates to the pid of the process.

@:noExprstaticspawn(loop:Loop, cmd:NativeString, args:Array<NativeString>, ?options:Null<ProcessOptions>):Result<Process>

Starts a process.

The handle should be cleaned up with eval.luv.Handle.close when no longer needed.

@:noExprstatictoParentPipe(fd:Int, parentPipe:Pipe, readableInChild:Bool, writableInChild:Bool, overlapped:Bool):Redirection

Causes fd in the child to be connected to toParentPipe in the parent.


readableInChild sets UV_READABLE_PIPE, and writableInChild sets UV_WRITABLE_PIPE.

overlapped sets UV_OVERLAPPED_PIPE.