Static methods

@:noExprstaticbind(this:Pipe, nameOrAddress:NativeString):Result<NoData>

Assigns a pipe a name or an address.

@:noExprstaticchmod(this:Pipe, mode:PipeMode):Result<NoData>

Sets pipe permissions.

@:noExprstaticconnect(this:Pipe, target:NativeString, callback:(result:Result<NoData>) ‑> Void):Void

Connects to the pipe at the given name or address.


Retrieves the name or address of the pipe's peer.


Retrieves the name or address assigned to the pipe.

@:noExpr@:value({ forHandlePassing : false })staticinit(loop:Loop, forHandlePassing:Bool = false):Result<Pipe>

Allocates and initializes a pipe.

The pipe is not yet connected to anything at this point.

The handle should be cleaned up with eval.luv.Handle.close when no longer needed.

@:noExprstaticpendingInstances(this:Pipe, amount:Int):Void

Set the number of pending pipe instance handles when the pipe server is waiting for connections.


Receives a file descriptor over the given pipe.

File descriptors are sent using the sendHandle argument of eval.luv.Stream.write2. On the receiving end, call eval.luv.Stream.readStart. When that function calls its callback, there may be file descriptors in the pipe, in addition to the ordinary data provided to the callback.

To check, call this function eval.luv.Pipe.recieveHandle in a loop until it returns NONE. Each time it returns TCP(associate) or PIPE(associate), create an appropriate handle using either eval.luv.TCP.init or eval.uv.Pipe.init, and call associate to receive the file descriptor and associate it with handle.