The Window
interface represents a window containing a DOM document; the document
property points to the DOM document loaded in that window.
Documentation Window by Mozilla Contributors, licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.
See also:
read onlyconsole:ConsoleInstance
Returns a reference to the console object which provides access to the browser's debugging console.
read onlycontent:Dynamic
Returns a reference to the content element in the current window. Since Firefox 57 (initially Nightly-only), both versions are only available from chrome (privileged) code, and not available to the web anymore.
read onlydevicePixelRatio:Float
Returns the ratio between physical pixels and device independent pixels in the current display.
read onlyevent:Dynamic
Returns the current event, which is the event currently being handled by the JavaScript code's context, or undefined
if no event is currently being handled. The Event
object passed directly to event handlers should be used instead whenever possible.
read onlyframeElement:Element
Returns the element in which the window is embedded, or null if the window is not embedded.
Gets the height of the content area of the browser window including, if rendered, the horizontal scrollbar.
Gets the width of the content area of the browser window including, if rendered, the vertical scrollbar.
read onlyisSecureContext:Bool
Indicates whether a context is capable of using features that require secure contexts.
read onlylocalStorage:Storage
Returns a reference to the local storage object used to store data that may only be accessed by the origin that created it.
read onlylocationbar:BarProp
Returns the locationbar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window.
read onlyorientation:Int
Returns the orientation in degrees (in 90 degree increments) of the viewport relative to the device's natural orientation.
read onlyperformance:Performance
Returns a Performance
object, which includes the Performance.timing
and Performance.navigation
attributes, each of which is an object providing performance-related data. See also Using Navigation Timing for additional information and examples.
read onlypersonalbar:BarProp
Returns the personalbar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window.
Returns the horizontal distance of the left border of the user's browser from the left side of the screen.
Returns the vertical distance of the top border of the user's browser from the top side of the screen.
read onlyscrollMaxX:Int
The maximum offset that the window can be scrolled to horizontally, that is the document width minus the viewport width.
read onlyscrollMaxY:Int
The maximum offset that the window can be scrolled to vertically (i.e., the document height minus the viewport height).
read onlyscrollX:Float
Returns the number of pixels that the document has already been scrolled horizontally.
read onlyscrollY:Float
Returns the number of pixels that the document has already been scrolled vertically.
read onlyscrollbars:BarProp
Returns the scrollbars object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window.
read onlysessionStorage:Storage
Returns a reference to the session storage object used to store data that may only be accessed by the origin that created it.
read onlyspeechSynthesis:SpeechSynthesis
Returns a SpeechSynthesis
object, which is the entry point into using Web Speech API speech synthesis functionality.
read onlystatusbar:BarProp
Returns the statusbar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window.
Enables you to cancel a callback previously scheduled with Window.requestAnimationFrame
null | DOMError |
confirm(message:String = ""):Bool
Displays a dialog with a message that the user needs to respond to.
null | DOMError |
createImageBitmap(aImage:ImageElement, aOffset:Int, aLength:Int, aFormat:ImageBitmapFormat, aLayout:Array<ChannelPixelLayout>):Promise<ImageBitmap>
createImageBitmap(aImage:VideoElement, aSx:Int, aSy:Int, aSw:Int, aSh:Int):Promise<ImageBitmap>
createImageBitmap(aImage:CanvasElement, aSx:Int, aSy:Int, aSw:Int, aSh:Int):Promise<ImageBitmap>
createImageBitmap(aImage:Blob, aSx:Int, aSy:Int, aSw:Int, aSh:Int):Promise<ImageBitmap>
createImageBitmap(aImage:ImageData, aSx:Int, aSy:Int, aSw:Int, aSh:Int):Promise<ImageBitmap>
createImageBitmap(aImage:CanvasRenderingContext2D, aSx:Int, aSy:Int, aSw:Int, aSh:Int):Promise<ImageBitmap>
createImageBitmap(aImage:ImageBitmap, aSx:Int, aSy:Int, aSw:Int, aSh:Int):Promise<ImageBitmap>
createImageBitmap(aImage:ArrayBufferView, aSx:Int, aSy:Int, aSw:Int, aSh:Int):Promise<ImageBitmap>
createImageBitmap(aImage:ArrayBuffer, aSx:Int, aSy:Int, aSw:Int, aSh:Int):Promise<ImageBitmap>
createImageBitmap(aImage:VideoElement, aOffset:Int, aLength:Int, aFormat:ImageBitmapFormat, aLayout:Array<ChannelPixelLayout>):Promise<ImageBitmap>
createImageBitmap(aImage:CanvasElement, aOffset:Int, aLength:Int, aFormat:ImageBitmapFormat, aLayout:Array<ChannelPixelLayout>):Promise<ImageBitmap>
createImageBitmap(aImage:Blob, aOffset:Int, aLength:Int, aFormat:ImageBitmapFormat, aLayout:Array<ChannelPixelLayout>):Promise<ImageBitmap>
createImageBitmap(aImage:ImageData, aOffset:Int, aLength:Int, aFormat:ImageBitmapFormat, aLayout:Array<ChannelPixelLayout>):Promise<ImageBitmap>
createImageBitmap(aImage:CanvasRenderingContext2D, aOffset:Int, aLength:Int, aFormat:ImageBitmapFormat, aLayout:Array<ChannelPixelLayout>):Promise<ImageBitmap>
createImageBitmap(aImage:ImageBitmap, aOffset:Int, aLength:Int, aFormat:ImageBitmapFormat, aLayout:Array<ChannelPixelLayout>):Promise<ImageBitmap>
createImageBitmap(aImage:ArrayBufferView, aOffset:Int, aLength:Int, aFormat:ImageBitmapFormat, aLayout:Array<ChannelPixelLayout>):Promise<ImageBitmap>
createImageBitmap(aImage:ArrayBuffer, aOffset:Int, aLength:Int, aFormat:ImageBitmapFormat, aLayout:Array<ChannelPixelLayout>):Promise<ImageBitmap>
createImageBitmap(aImage:ImageElement, aSx:Int, aSy:Int, aSw:Int, aSh:Int):Promise<ImageBitmap>
null | DOMError |
fetch(input:Request, ?init:Null<RequestInit>):Promise<Response>
fetch(input:String, ?init:Null<RequestInit>):Promise<Response>
find(str:String = "", caseSensitive:Bool = false, backwards:Bool = false, wrapAround:Bool = false, wholeWord:Bool = false, searchInFrames:Bool = false, showDialog:Bool = false):Bool
Searches for a given string in a window.
null | DOMError |
getComputedStyle(elt:Element, pseudoElt:String = ""):CSSStyleDeclaration
Gets computed style for the specified element. Computed style indicates the computed values of all CSS properties of the element.
null | DOMError |
getDefaultComputedStyle(elt:Element, pseudoElt:String = ""):CSSStyleDeclaration
Gets default computed style for the specified element, ignoring author stylesheets.
null | DOMError |
Returns the selection object representing the selected item(s).
null | DOMError |
open(url:String = "", target:String = "", features:String = ""):Window
Opens a new window.
null | DOMError |
postMessage(message:Dynamic, targetOrigin:String, ?transfer:Array<Dynamic>):Void
Provides a secure means for one window to send a string of data to another window, which need not be within the same domain as the first.
null | DOMError |
prompt(message:String = "", default_:String = ""):String
Returns the text entered by the user in a prompt dialog.
null | DOMError |
requestAnimationFrame(callback:Float ‑> Void):Int
Tells the browser that an animation is in progress, requesting that the browser schedule a repaint of the window for the next animation frame.
null | DOMError |
scroll(x:Float, y:Float):Void
Scrolls the window to a particular place in the document.
scrollBy(x:Float, y:Float):Void
Scrolls the document in the window by the given amount.
scrollByLines(numLines:Int, ?options:Null<ScrollOptions>):Void
Scrolls the document by the given number of lines.
scrollByPages(numPages:Int, ?options:Null<ScrollOptions>):Void
Scrolls the current document by the specified number of pages.
scrollTo(x:Float, y:Float):Void
Scrolls to a particular set of coordinates in the document.
setInterval(handler:String, timeout:Float = 0, unused:Rest<Dynamic>):Int
setInterval(handler:Function, timeout:Float = 0, arguments:Rest<Dynamic>):Int
null | DOMError |
setTimeout(handler:String, timeout:Float = 0, unused:Rest<Dynamic>):Int
setTimeout(handler:Function, timeout:Float = 0, arguments:Rest<Dynamic>):Int
null | DOMError |
structuredClone<T>(value:T, ?options:{transfer:Array<Any>}):T
Creates a deep clone of a given value using the structured clone algorithm.
updateCommands(action:String, ?sel:Selection, reason:Int = 0):Void
Updates the state of commands of the current chrome window (UI).