A typed interface for bit flags. This is not a real object, only a typed interface for an actual Int. Each flag can be tested/set with the corresponding enum instance. Up to 32 flags can be stored that way.

Enum constructor indices are preserved from Haxe syntax, so the first declared is index 0, the next index 1 etc. The methods are optimized if the enum instance is passed directly, e.g. as has(EnumCtor). Otherwise Type.enumIndex() reflection is used.

Static methods

staticinlinehas(this:Int, v:T):Bool

Checks if the index of enum instance v is set.

This method is optimized if v is an enum instance expression such as SomeEnum.SomeCtor.

If v is null, the result is unspecified.


Convert a integer bitflag into a typed one (this is a no-op, it does not have any impact on speed).

staticinlineset(this:Int, v:T):Void

Sets the index of enum instance v.

This method is optimized if v is an enum instance expression such as SomeEnum.SomeCtor.

If v is null, the result is unspecified.

staticinlinesetTo(this:Int, v:T, condition:Bool):Void

Depending on the value of condition sets (condition=true) or unsets (condition=false) the index of enum instance v.

This method is optimized if v is an enum instance expression such as SomeEnum.SomeCtor.

If v is null, the result is unspecified.


Convert the typed bitflag into the corresponding int value (this is a no-op, it doesn't have any impact on speed).

staticinlineunset(this:Int, v:T):Void

Unsets the index of enum instance v.

This method is optimized if v is an enum instance expression such as SomeEnum.SomeCtor.

If v is null, the result is unspecified.