represents a collection of CSS property-value pairs. It is used in a few APIs:
Documentation CSSStyleDeclaration by Mozilla Contributors, licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.
See also:
Shorthand for the "align-content" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "align-items" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "align-self" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "alignment-adjust" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "alignment-baseline" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "all" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "anchor-point" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "animation" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "animation-delay" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "animation-direction" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "animation-duration" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "animation-fill-mode" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "animation-iteration-count" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "animation-name" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "animation-play-state" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "animation-timing-function" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "azimuth" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "backface-visibility" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "background" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "background-attachment" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "background-blend-mode" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "background-clip" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "background-color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "background-image" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "background-origin" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "background-position" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "background-position-x" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "background-position-y" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "background-repeat" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "background-repeat-x" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "background-repeat-y" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "background-size" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "baseline-shift" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "binding" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "bleed" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "block-size" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "bookmark-label" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "bookmark-level" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "bookmark-state" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-block-end" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-block-end-color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-block-end-style" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-block-end-width" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-block-start" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-block-start-color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-block-start-style" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-block-start-width" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-bottom" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-bottom-color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-bottom-left-radius" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-bottom-right-radius" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-bottom-style" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-bottom-width" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-collapse" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-image" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-image-outset" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-image-repeat" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-image-slice" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-image-source" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-image-width" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-inline-end" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-inline-end-color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-inline-end-style" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-inline-end-width" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-inline-start" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-inline-start-color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-inline-start-style" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-inline-start-width" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-left" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-left-color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-left-style" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-left-width" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-radius" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-right" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-right-color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-right-style" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-right-width" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-spacing" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-style" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-top" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-top-color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-top-left-radius" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-top-right-radius" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-top-style" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-top-width" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "border-width" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "bottom" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "box-decoration-break" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "box-shadow" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "box-sizing" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "box-snap" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "box-suppress" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "break-after" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "break-before" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "break-inside" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "buffered-rendering" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "caption-side" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "caret-color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "chains" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "clear" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "clip" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "clip-path" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "clip-rule" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "color-adjust" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "color-interpolation" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "color-interpolation-filters" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "color-rendering" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "column-count" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "column-fill" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "column-gap" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "column-rule" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "column-rule-color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "column-rule-style" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "column-rule-width" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "column-span" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "column-width" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "columns" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "contain" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "content" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "counter-increment" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "counter-reset" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "counter-set" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "crop" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "css-float" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "cue" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "cue-after" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "cue-before" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "cursor" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "cx" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "cy" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "d" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "direction" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "display" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "display-inside" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "display-list" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "display-outside" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "dominant-baseline" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "elevation" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "empty-cells" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "fill" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "fill-opacity" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "fill-rule" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "filter" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "flex" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "flex-basis" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "flex-direction" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "flex-flow" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "flex-grow" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "flex-shrink" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "flex-wrap" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "float" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "float-offset" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "flood-color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "flood-opacity" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "flow-from" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "flow-into" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-display" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-family" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-feature-settings" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-kerning" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-language-override" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-optical-sizing" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-size" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-size-adjust" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-stretch" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-style" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-synthesis" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-variant" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-variant-alternates" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-variant-caps" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-variant-east-asian" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-variant-ligatures" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-variant-numeric" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-variant-position" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-variation-settings" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "font-weight" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "gap" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "grid" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "grid-area" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "grid-auto-columns" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "grid-auto-flow" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "grid-auto-rows" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "grid-column" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "grid-column-end" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "grid-column-gap" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "grid-column-start" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "grid-gap" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "grid-row" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "grid-row-end" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "grid-row-gap" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "grid-row-start" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "grid-template" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "grid-template-areas" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "grid-template-columns" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "grid-template-rows" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "hanging-punctuation" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "height" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "hyphens" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "icon" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "image-orientation" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "image-rendering" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "image-resolution" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "ime-mode" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "initial-letters" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "inline-box-align" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "inline-size" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "isolation" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "justify-content" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "justify-items" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "justify-self" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "left" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "letter-spacing" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "lighting-color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "line-box-contain" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "line-break" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "line-grid" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "line-height" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "line-snap" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "line-stacking" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "line-stacking-ruby" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "line-stacking-shift" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "line-stacking-strategy" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "list-style" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "list-style-image" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "list-style-position" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "list-style-type" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "margin" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "margin-block-end" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "margin-block-start" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "margin-bottom" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "margin-inline-end" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "margin-inline-start" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "margin-left" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "margin-right" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "margin-top" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "marker" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "marker-end" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "marker-mid" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "marker-offset" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "marker-side" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "marker-start" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "marks" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask-box" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask-box-outset" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask-box-repeat" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask-box-slice" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask-box-source" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask-box-width" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask-clip" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask-composite" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask-image" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask-mode" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask-origin" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask-position" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask-position-x" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask-position-y" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask-repeat" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask-size" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask-source-type" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mask-type" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "max-block-size" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "max-height" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "max-inline-size" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "max-lines" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "max-width" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "max-zoom" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "min-block-size" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "min-height" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "min-inline-size" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "min-width" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "min-zoom" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "mix-blend-mode" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "move-to" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "nav-down" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "nav-index" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "nav-left" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "nav-right" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "nav-up" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "object-fit" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "object-position" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "offset" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "offset-block-end" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "offset-block-start" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "offset-distance" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "offset-inline-end" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "offset-inline-start" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "offset-path" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "offset-rotate" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "opacity" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "order" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "orientation" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "orphans" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "outline" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "outline-color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "outline-offset" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "outline-style" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "outline-width" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "overflow" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "overflow-anchor" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "overflow-wrap" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "overflow-x" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "overflow-y" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "overscroll-behavior" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "overscroll-behavior-x" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "overscroll-behavior-y" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "padding" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "padding-block-end" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "padding-block-start" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "padding-bottom" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "padding-inline-end" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "padding-inline-start" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "padding-left" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "padding-right" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "padding-top" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "page" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "page-break-after" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "page-break-before" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "page-break-inside" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "page-policy" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "paint-order" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "pause" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "pause-after" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "pause-before" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "perspective" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "perspective-origin" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "pitch" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "pitch-range" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "place-content" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "place-items" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "place-self" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "play-during" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "pointer-events" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "position" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "presentation-level" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "quotes" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "r" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "region-fragment" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "resize" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "rest" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "rest-after" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "rest-before" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "richness" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "right" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "rotation" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "rotation-point" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "row-gap" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "ruby-align" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "ruby-merge" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "ruby-position" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "rx" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "ry" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "scroll-behavior" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "scroll-snap-coordinate" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "scroll-snap-destination" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "scroll-snap-points-x" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "scroll-snap-points-y" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "scroll-snap-type" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "scroll-snap-type-x" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "scroll-snap-type-y" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "shape-image-threshold" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "shape-margin" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "shape-outside" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "shape-rendering" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "size" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "speak" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "speak-as" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "speak-header" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "speak-numeral" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "speak-punctuation" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "speech-rate" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "src" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "stop-color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "stop-opacity" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "stress" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "string-set" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "stroke" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "stroke-dasharray" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "stroke-dashoffset" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "stroke-linecap" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "stroke-linejoin" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "stroke-miterlimit" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "stroke-opacity" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "stroke-width" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "tab-size" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "table-layout" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-align" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-align-last" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-anchor" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-combine-upright" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-decoration" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-decoration-color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-decoration-line" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-decoration-skip" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-decoration-skip-ink" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-decoration-style" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-emphasis" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-emphasis-color" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-emphasis-position" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-emphasis-style" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-height" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-indent" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-justify" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-orientation" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-overflow" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-rendering" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-shadow" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-size-adjust" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-space-collapse" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-transform" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-underline-position" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "text-wrap" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "top" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "touch-action" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "transform" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "transform-box" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "transform-origin" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "transform-style" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "transition" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "transition-delay" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "transition-duration" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "transition-property" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "transition-timing-function" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "unicode-bidi" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "unicode-range" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "user-select" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "user-zoom" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "vector-effect" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "vertical-align" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "visibility" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "voice-balance" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "voice-duration" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "voice-family" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "voice-pitch" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "voice-range" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "voice-rate" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "voice-stress" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "voice-volume" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "volume" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "white-space" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "widows" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "width" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "will-change" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "word-break" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "word-spacing" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "word-wrap" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "wrap-flow" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "wrap-through" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "writing-mode" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "x" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "y" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "z-index" CSS property.
Shorthand for the "zoom" CSS property.