A cross-platform signed 64-bit integer. Int64 instances can be created from two 32-bit words using Int64.make().

Static methods

@:op(A + B)staticinlineadd(a:Int64, b:Int64):Int64

Returns the sum of a and b.

@:op(A & B)staticinlineand(a:Int64, b:Int64):Int64

Returns the bitwise AND of a and b.

staticinlinecompare(a:Int64, b:Int64):Int

Compares a and b in signed mode. Returns a negative value if a < b, positive if a > b, or 0 if a == b.

@:op(A / B)staticinlinediv(a:Int64, b:Int64):Int64

Returns the quotient of a divided by b.

staticdivMod(dividend:Int64, divisor:Int64):{quotient:Int64, modulus:Int64}

Performs signed integer divison of dividend by divisor. Returns { quotient : Int64, modulus : Int64 }.

@:op(A == B)staticinlineeq(a:Int64, b:Int64):Bool

Returns true if a is equal to b.


Returns the high 32-bit word of x.


Returns the low 32-bit word of x.


Deprecated: "haxe.Int64.is() is deprecated. Use haxe.Int64.isInt64() instead"


Returns whether the value val is of type haxe.Int64


Returns true if x is less than zero.


Returns true if x is exactly zero.

@:has_untypedstaticinlinemake(high:Int32, low:Int32):Int64

Construct an Int64 from two 32-bit words high and low.

@:op(A % B)staticinlinemod(a:Int64, b:Int64):Int64

Returns the modulus of a divided by b.

@:op(A * B)staticmul(a:Int64, b:Int64):Int64

Returns the product of a and b.


Returns the negative of x.

@:op(A != B)staticinlineneq(a:Int64, b:Int64):Bool

Returns true if a is not equal to b.


Returns an Int64 with the value of the Int x. x is sign-extended to fill 64 bits.

@:op(A | B)staticinlineor(a:Int64, b:Int64):Int64

Returns the bitwise OR of a and b.


@:op(A << B)staticinlineshl(a:Int64, b:Int):Int64

Returns a left-shifted by b bits.

@:op(A >> B)staticinlineshr(a:Int64, b:Int):Int64

Returns a right-shifted by b bits in signed mode. a is sign-extended.

@:op(A - B)staticinlinesub(a:Int64, b:Int64):Int64

Returns a minus b.


Returns an Int with the value of the Int64 x. Throws an exception if x cannot be represented in 32 bits.


Returns a signed decimal String representation of x.

staticinlineucompare(a:Int64, b:Int64):Int

Compares a and b in unsigned mode. Returns a negative value if a < b, positive if a > b, or 0 if a == b.

@:op(A >>> B)staticinlineushr(a:Int64, b:Int):Int64

Returns a right-shifted by b bits in unsigned mode. a is padded with zeroes.

@:op(A ^ B)staticinlinexor(a:Int64, b:Int64):Int64

Returns the bitwise XOR of a and b.


@:implread onlyhigh:Int32

@:implread onlylow:Int32



Makes a copy of this Int64.