Map allows key to value mapping for arbitrary value types, and many key types.

This is a multi-type abstract, it is instantiated as one of its specialization types depending on its type parameters.

A Map can be instantiated without explicit type parameters. Type inference will then determine the type parameters from the usage.

Maps can also be created with [key1 => value1, key2 => value2] syntax.

Map is an abstract type, it is not available at runtime.

See also:



Removes all keys from this Map.

@:implinlinecopy():Map<K, V>

Returns a shallow copy of this map.

The order of values is undefined.


Returns true if key has a mapping, false otherwise.

If key is null, the result is unspecified.


Returns the current mapping of key.

If no such mapping exists, null is returned.

Note that a check like map.get(key) == null can hold for two reasons:

  1. the map has no mapping for key
  2. the map has a mapping with a value of null

If it is important to distinguish these cases, exists() should be used.

If key is null, the result is unspecified.


Returns an Iterator over the values of this Map.

The order of values is undefined.

@:implinlinekeyValueIterator():KeyValueIterator<K, V>

Returns an Iterator over the keys and values of this Map.

The order of values is undefined.


Returns an Iterator over the keys of this Map.

The order of keys is undefined.


Removes the mapping of key and returns true if such a mapping existed, false otherwise.

If key is null, the result is unspecified.

@:implinlineset(key:K, value:V):Void

Maps key to value.

If key already has a mapping, the previous value disappears.

If key is null, the result is unspecified.


Returns a String representation of this Map.

The exact representation depends on the platform and key-type.