A Neko Module represent a execution unit for the Neko Virtual Machine. Each compiled .n bytecode file is a module once loaded by the NekoVM.

Static methods


Returns the local Module, which is the one in which this method is included.

@:has_untypedstaticread(i:Input, l:Loader):Module

Reads a module from an Input by using the given Loader. The module is initialized but has not yet been executed.

staticreadBytes(b:Bytes, loader:Loader):Module

Reads a module from Bytes using the given Loader. The module is initialized but has not yet been executed.


Extract the globals names from the given module

@:has_untypedstaticreadPath(name:String, path:Array<String>, loader:Loader):Module

Reads a module from a name and using the specified seach path and loader. The module is initialized but has not yet been executed.




The abstract handle.



Returns the codeSize of the Module.


Execute a module and returns its result (the latest evaluated expression). A module can be executed several times but its globals are only initialized once the first time the Module is loaded.


The raw export table.

getExports():Map<String, Dynamic>

Each Module has an export table which can be useful to transfert values between modules.


Get a Module global value.


Returns the number of globals in this Module global table.


Returns the Loader that this Module was loaded with.

setExport(name:String, value:Dynamic):Void

Set a value in the Module export table.

setGlobal(n:Int, v:Dynamic):Void

Set a Module global value.