The DOMException interface represents an abnormal event (called an exception) which occurs as a result of calling a method or accessing a property of a web API.

Documentation DOMException by Mozilla Contributors, licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.

See also:

Static variables

@:value(20)staticinlineread onlyABORT_ERR:Int = 20

@:value(25)staticinlineread onlyDATA_CLONE_ERR:Int = 25

@:value(2)staticinlineread onlyDOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR:Int = 2

@:value(3)staticinlineread onlyHIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR:Int = 3

@:value(1)staticinlineread onlyINDEX_SIZE_ERR:Int = 1

@:value(10)staticinlineread onlyINUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR:Int = 10

@:value(15)staticinlineread onlyINVALID_ACCESS_ERR:Int = 15

@:value(5)staticinlineread onlyINVALID_CHARACTER_ERR:Int = 5

@:value(13)staticinlineread onlyINVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR:Int = 13

@:value(24)staticinlineread onlyINVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR:Int = 24

@:value(11)staticinlineread onlyINVALID_STATE_ERR:Int = 11

@:value(14)staticinlineread onlyNAMESPACE_ERR:Int = 14

@:value(19)staticinlineread onlyNETWORK_ERR:Int = 19

@:value(8)staticinlineread onlyNOT_FOUND_ERR:Int = 8

@:value(9)staticinlineread onlyNOT_SUPPORTED_ERR:Int = 9

@:value(6)staticinlineread onlyNO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR:Int = 6

@:value(7)staticinlineread onlyNO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR:Int = 7

@:value(22)staticinlineread onlyQUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR:Int = 22

@:value(18)staticinlineread onlySECURITY_ERR:Int = 18

@:value(12)staticinlineread onlySYNTAX_ERR:Int = 12

@:value(23)staticinlineread onlyTIMEOUT_ERR:Int = 23

@:value(17)staticinlineread onlyTYPE_MISMATCH_ERR:Int = 17

@:value(21)staticinlineread onlyURL_MISMATCH_ERR:Int = 21

@:value(16)staticinlineread onlyVALIDATION_ERR:Int = 16

@:value(4)staticinlineread onlyWRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR:Int = 4


@:value({ message : "" })new(message:String = "", ?name:String)





read onlycode:Int

Returns a short that contains one of the Error codes, or 0 if none match. This field is used for historical reasons. New DOM exceptions don't use this anymore: they put this info in the attribute.

read onlycolumnNumber:Int

read onlydata:Dynamic

read onlyfilename:String

read onlylineNumber:Int

read onlymessage:String

Returns a DOMString representing a message or description associated with the given error name.

read onlyname:String

Returns a DOMString that contains one of the strings associated with an error name.

read onlyresult:Int

read onlystack:String