.. | |
AElement | The SVGAElement interface provides access to the properties of a element, as well as methods to manipulate them. |
Angle | The SVGAngle interface is used to represent a value that can be an angle or number value. An SVGAngle reflected through the animVal attribute is always read only. |
AnimateElement | The SVGAnimateElement interface corresponds to the animate element. |
AnimateMotionElement | The SVGAnimateMotionElement interface corresponds to the animateMotion element. |
AnimateTransformElement | The SVGAnimateTransformElement interface corresponds to the animateTransform element. |
AnimatedAngle | The SVGAnimatedAngle interface is used for attributes of basic type angle which can be animated. |
AnimatedBoolean | The SVGAnimatedBoolean interface is used for attributes of type boolean which can be animated. |
AnimatedEnumeration | The SVGAnimatedEnumeration interface is used for attributes whose value must be a constant from a particular enumeration and which can be animated. |
AnimatedInteger | The SVGAnimatedInteger interface is used for attributes of basic type integer which can be animated. |
AnimatedLength | The SVGAnimatedLength interface is used for attributes of basic type length which can be animated. |
AnimatedLengthList | The SVGAnimatedLengthList interface is used for attributes of type SVGLengthList which can be animated. |
AnimatedNumber | The SVGAnimatedNumber interface is used for attributes of basic type Number which can be animated. |
AnimatedNumberList | The SVGAnimatedNumber interface is used for attributes which take a list of numbers and which can be animated. |
AnimatedPreserveAspectRatio | The SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio interface is used for attributes of type SVGPreserveAspectRatio which can be animated. |
AnimatedRect | The SVGAnimatedRect interface is used for attributes of basic SVGRect which can be animated. |
AnimatedString | The SVGAnimatedString interface represents string attributes which can be animated from each SVG declaration. You need to create SVG attribute before doing anything else, everything should be declared inside this. |
AnimatedTransformList | The SVGAnimatedTransformList interface is used for attributes which take a list of numbers and which can be animated. |
AnimationElement | The SVGAnimationElement interface is the base interface for all of the animation element interfaces: SVGAnimateElement , SVGSetElement , SVGAnimateColorElement , SVGAnimateMotionElement and SVGAnimateTransformElement . |
BoundingBoxOptions | |
CircleElement | The SVGCircleElement interface is an interface for the circle element. The circle element is defined by the cx and cy attributes that denote the coordinates of the centre of the circle. |
ClipPathElement | The SVGClipPathElement interface provides access to the properties of clipPath elements, as well as methods to manipulate them. |
ComponentTransferFunctionElement | The SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement interface defines a base interface used by the component transfer function interfaces. |
DefsElement | The SVGDefsElement interface corresponds to the defs element. |
DescElement | The SVGDescElement interface corresponds to the desc element. |
Element | All of the SVG DOM interfaces that correspond directly to elements in the SVG language derive from the SVGElement interface. |
EllipseElement | The SVGEllipseElement interface provides access to the properties of ellipse elements. |
FEBlendElement | The SVGFEBlendElement interface corresponds to the feBlend element. |
FEColorMatrixElement | The SVGFEColorMatrixElement interface corresponds to the feColorMatrix element. |
FEComponentTransferElement | The SVGFEComponentTransferElement interface corresponds to the feComponentTransfer element. |
FECompositeElement | The SVGFECompositeElement interface corresponds to the feComposite element. |
FEConvolveMatrixElement | The SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement interface corresponds to the feConvolveMatrix element. |
FEDiffuseLightingElement | The SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement interface corresponds to the feDiffuseLighting element. |
FEDisplacementMapElement | The SVGFEDisplacementMapElement interface corresponds to the feDisplacementMap element. |
FEDistantLightElement | The SVGFEDistantLightElement interface corresponds to the feDistantLight element. |
FEDropShadowElement | The SVGFEDropShadowElement interface corresponds to the feDropShadow element. |
FEFloodElement | The SVGFEFloodElement interface corresponds to the feFlood element. |
FEFuncAElement | The SVGFEFuncAElement interface corresponds to the feFuncA element. |
FEFuncBElement | The SVGFEFuncBElement interface corresponds to the feFuncB element. |
FEFuncGElement | The SVGFEFuncGElement interface corresponds to the feFuncG element. |
FEFuncRElement | The SVGFEFuncRElement interface corresponds to the feFuncR element. |
FEGaussianBlurElement | The SVGFEGaussianBlurElement interface corresponds to the feGaussianBlur element. |
FEImageElement | The SVGFEImageElement interface corresponds to the feImage element. |
FEMergeElement | The SVGFEMergeElement interface corresponds to the feMerge element. |
FEMergeNodeElement | The SVGFEMergeNodeElement interface corresponds to the feMergeNode element. |
FEMorphologyElement | The SVGFEMorphologyElement interface corresponds to the feMorphology element. |
FEOffsetElement | The SVGFEOffsetElement interface corresponds to the feOffset element. |
FEPointLightElement | The SVGFEPointLightElement interface corresponds to the fePointLight element. |
FESpecularLightingElement | The SVGFESpecularLightingElement interface corresponds to the feSpecularLighting element. |
FESpotLightElement | The SVGFESpotLightElement interface corresponds to the feSpotLight element. |
FETileElement | The SVGFETileElement interface corresponds to the feTile element. |
FETurbulenceElement | The SVGFETurbulenceElement interface corresponds to the feTurbulence element. |
FilterElement | The SVGFilterElement interface provides access to the properties of filter elements, as well as methods to manipulate them. |
ForeignObjectElement | The SVGForeignObjectElement interface provides access to the properties of foreignObject elements, as well as methods to manipulate them. |
GElement | The SVGGElement interface corresponds to the g element. |
GeometryElement | The SVGGeometryElement interface represents SVG elements whose rendering is defined by geometry with an equivalent path, and which can be filled and stroked. This includes paths and the basic shapes. |
GradientElement | The SVGGradient interface is a base interface used by SVGLinearGradientElement and SVGRadialGradientElement . |
GraphicsElement | The SVGGraphicsElement interface represents SVG elements whose primary purpose is to directly render graphics into a group. |
ImageElement | The SVGImageElement interface corresponds to the image element. |
Length | The SVGLength interface correspond to the length basic data type. |
LengthList | The SVGLengthList defines a list of SVGLength objects. |
LineElement | The SVGLineElement interface provides access to the properties of line elements, as well as methods to manipulate them. |
LinearGradientElement | The SVGLinearGradientElement interface corresponds to the linearGradient element. |
MPathElement | The SVGMPathElement interface corresponds to the mpath element. |
MarkerElement | |
MaskElement | The SVGMaskElement interface provides access to the properties of mask elements, as well as methods to manipulate them. |
Matrix | Many of SVG's graphics operations utilize 2x3 matrices of the form: |
MetadataElement | The SVGMetadataElement interface corresponds to the metadata element. |
Number | The SVGNumber interface corresponds to the number basic data type. |
NumberList | The SVGNumberList defines a list of SVGNumber objects. |
PathElement | The SVGPathElement interface corresponds to the path element. |
PathSeg | |
PathSegArcAbs | |
PathSegArcRel | |
PathSegClosePath | |
PathSegCurvetoCubicAbs | |
PathSegCurvetoCubicRel | |
PathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs | |
PathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel | |
PathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs | |
PathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel | |
PathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs | |
PathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel | |
PathSegLinetoAbs | |
PathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs | |
PathSegLinetoHorizontalRel | |
PathSegLinetoRel | |
PathSegLinetoVerticalAbs | |
PathSegLinetoVerticalRel | |
PathSegList | |
PathSegMovetoAbs | |
PathSegMovetoRel | |
PatternElement | The SVGPatternElement interface corresponds to the pattern element. |
Point | An SVGPoint represents a 2D or 3D point in the SVG coordinate system. |
PointList | |
PolygonElement | The SVGPolygonElement interface provides access to the properties of polygon elements, as well as methods to manipulate them. |
PolylineElement | The SVGPolylineElement interface provides access to the properties of polyline elements, as well as methods to manipulate them. |
PreserveAspectRatio | The SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface corresponds to the preserveAspectRatio attribute, which is available for some of SVG's elements. |
RadialGradientElement | The SVGRadialGradientElement interface corresponds to the RadialGradient element. |
Rect | The SVGRect represents a rectangle. Rectangles consist of an x and y coordinate pair identifying a minimum x value, a minimum y value, and a width and height, which are constrained to be non-negative. |
RectElement | The SVGRectElement interface provides access to the properties of rect elements, as well as methods to manipulate them. |
SVGElement | The SVGSVGElement interface provides access to the properties of svg elements, as well as methods to manipulate them. This interface contains also various miscellaneous commonly-used utility methods, such as matrix operations and the ability to control the time of redraw on visual rendering devices. |
ScriptElement | The SVGScriptElement interface corresponds to the SVG script element. |
SetElement | The SVGSetElement interface corresponds to the set element. |
StopElement | The SVGStopElement interface corresponds to the stop element. |
StringList | The SVGStringList defines a list of DOMString objects. |
StyleElement | The SVGStyleElement interface corresponds to the SVG style element. |
SwitchElement | The SVGSwitchElement interface corresponds to the switch element. |
SymbolElement | The SVGSymbolElement interface corresponds to the symbol element. |
TSpanElement | The SVGTSpanElement interface represents a tspan element. |
TextContentElement | The SVGTextContentElement interface is implemented by elements that support rendering child text content. It is inherited by various text-related interfaces, such as SVGTextElement , SVGTSpanElement , SVGTRefElement , SVGAltGlyphElement and SVGTextPathElement . |
TextElement | The SVGTextElement interface corresponds to the text elements. |
TextPathElement | The SVGTextPathElement interface corresponds to the textPath element. |
TextPositioningElement | The SVGTextPositioningElement interface is implemented by elements that support attributes that position individual text glyphs. It is inherited by SVGTextElement , SVGTSpanElement , SVGTRefElement and SVGAltGlyphElement . |
TitleElement | The SVGTitleElement interface corresponds to the title element. |
Transform | SVGTransform is the interface for one of the component transformations within an SVGTransformList ; thus, an SVGTransform object corresponds to a single component (e.g., scale(…) or matrix(…) ) within a transform attribute.
TransformList | The SVGTransformList defines a list of SVGTransform objects. |
UnitTypes | The SVGUnitTypes interface defines a commonly used set of constants used for reflecting gradientUnits , patternContentUnits and other similar attributes. |
UseElement | The SVGUseElement interface corresponds to the use element. |
ViewElement | The SVGViewElement interface provides access to the properties of view elements, as well as methods to manipulate them. |
ZoomAndPan | The SVGZoomAndPan interfaceis used to reflect the zoomAndPan attribute, and is mixed in to other interfaces for elements that support this attribute. |