The Haxe Reflection API allows retrieval of type information at runtime.

This class complements the more lightweight Reflect class, with a focus on class and enum instances.

See also:

Static methods


Returns a list of all constructors of enum e that require no arguments.

This may return the empty Array [] if all constructors of e require arguments.

Otherwise an instance of e constructed through each of its non- argument constructors is returned, in the order of the constructor declaration.

If e is null, the result is unspecified.


Creates an instance of class cl.

This function guarantees that the class constructor is not called.

If cl is null, the result is unspecified.

staticcreateEnum<T>(e:Enum<T>, constr:String, ?params:Array<Dynamic>):T

Creates an instance of enum e by calling its constructor constr with arguments params.

If e or constr is null, or if enum e has no constructor named constr, or if the number of elements in params does not match the expected number of constructor arguments, or if any argument has an invalid type, the result is unspecified.

staticcreateEnumIndex<T>(e:Enum<T>, index:Int, ?params:Array<Dynamic>):T

Creates an instance of enum e by calling its constructor number index with arguments params.

The constructor indices are preserved from Haxe syntax, so the first declared is index 0, the next index 1 etc.

If e or constr is null, or if enum e has no constructor named constr, or if the number of elements in params does not match the expected number of constructor arguments, or if any argument has an invalid type, the result is unspecified.

staticcreateInstance<T>(cl:Class<T>, args:Array<Dynamic>):T

Creates an instance of class cl, using args as arguments to the class constructor.

This function guarantees that the class constructor is called.

Default values of constructors arguments are not guaranteed to be taken into account.

If cl or args are null, or if the number of elements in args does not match the expected number of constructor arguments, or if any argument has an invalid type, or if cl has no own constructor, the result is unspecified.

In particular, default values of constructor arguments are not guaranteed to be taken into account.


Returns the constructor name of enum instance e.

The result String does not contain any constructor arguments.

If e is null, the result is unspecified.

@:has_untyped@:ifFeature("has_enum")staticenumEq<T>(a:T, b:T):Bool

Recursively compares two enum instances a and b by value.

Unlike a == b, this function performs a deep equality check on the arguments of the constructors, if exists.

If a or b are null, the result is unspecified.


Returns the index of enum instance e.

This corresponds to the original syntactic position of e. The index of the first declared constructor is 0, the next one is 1 etc.

If e is null, the result is unspecified.


Returns a list of the constructor arguments of enum instance e.

If e has no arguments, the result is [].

Otherwise the result are the values that were used as arguments to e, in the order of their declaration.

If e is null, the result is unspecified.


Returns the class of o, if o is a class instance.

If o is null or of a different type, null is returned.

In general, type parameter information cannot be obtained at runtime.


Returns a list of static fields of class c.

This does not include static fields of parent classes.

The order of the fields in the returned Array is unspecified.

If c is null, the result is unspecified.


Returns the name of class c, including its path.

If c is inside a package, the package structure is returned dot- separated, with another dot separating the class name: pack1.pack2.(...).packN.ClassName If c is a sub-type of a Haxe module, that module is not part of the package structure.

If c has no package, the class name is returned.

If c is null, the result is unspecified.

The class name does not include any type parameters.


Returns the enum of enum instance o.

An enum instance is the result of using an enum constructor. Given an enum Color { Red; }, getEnum(Red) returns Enum<Color>.

If o is null, null is returned.

In general, type parameter information cannot be obtained at runtime.


Returns a list of the names of all constructors of enum e.

The order of the constructor names in the returned Array is preserved from the original syntax.

If e is null, the result is unspecified.


Returns the name of enum e, including its path.

If e is inside a package, the package structure is returned dot- separated, with another dot separating the enum name: pack1.pack2.(...).packN.EnumName If e is a sub-type of a Haxe module, that module is not part of the package structure.

If e has no package, the enum name is returned.

If e is null, the result is unspecified.

The enum name does not include any type parameters.


Returns a list of the instance fields of class c, including inherited fields.

This only includes fields which are known at compile-time. In particular, using getInstanceFields(getClass(obj)) will not include any fields which were added to obj at runtime.

The order of the fields in the returned Array is unspecified.

If c is null, the result is unspecified.


Returns the super-class of class c.

If c has no super class, null is returned.

If c is null, the result is unspecified.

In general, type parameter information cannot be obtained at runtime.


Resolves a class by name.

If name is the path of an existing class, that class is returned.

Otherwise null is returned.

If name is null or the path to a different type, the result is unspecified.

The class name must not include any type parameters.


Resolves an enum by name.

If name is the path of an existing enum, that enum is returned.

Otherwise null is returned.

If name is null the result is unspecified.

If name is the path to a different type, null is returned.

The enum name must not include any type parameters.


Returns the runtime type of value v.

The result corresponds to the type v has at runtime, which may vary per platform. Assumptions regarding this should be minimized to avoid surprises.