

The representation of the year.


The representation of the weekday.


The representation of the time zone name.


The time zone to use. The only value implementations must recognize is "UTC"; the default is the runtime's default time zone. Implementations may also recognize the time zone names of the IANA time zone database, such as "Asia/Shanghai", "Asia/Kolkata", "America/New_York".


The representation of the second.


The representation of the month.


The representation of the minute.


The locale matching algorithm to use. The default is BestFit.


The hour cycle to use. This option overrides the hc language tag, if both are present, and the Hour12 option takes precedence in case both options have been specified.


Whether to use 12-hour time (as opposed to 24-hour time). The default is locale dependent. This option overrides the hc language tag and/or the hourCycle option in case both are present.


The representation of the hour.


The format matching algorithm to use. The default is BestFit. See the following paragraphs for information about the use of this property.


The representation of the era.


The representation of the day.