Platform-specific Lua Library. Provides some platform-specific functions for the Lua target, such as conversion from Haxe types to native types and vice-versa.

Static methods

staticfillArray<T>(itr:() ‑> T):Array<T>

Fills an array with the result of a simple iterator.


Simple test for the presence of an available shell.


Perform Lua-style pattern quoting on a given string.


Print the specified value on the default output.


Print the specified value on the default output followed by a newline character.

staticinlinetableToArray<T>(t:Table<Int, T>, ?length:Int):Array<T>

Copies the table argument and converts it to an Array

staticinlinetableToObject<T>(t:Table<String, T>):Dynamic<T>

Copies the table argument and converts it to an Object.